[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/yM1wN8EN8A4″]
1. Open Google Web Designer. As soon as you open this it will show a popup window by default. Here you have to click on OPEN FILE link in order to open a google web designer editable file.
2. Now it will let you choose the editable file. Just open the folder you downloaded from Adanimate banner template page. For example- bu001_gwd in our example.
3. In this folder you will get 2 more folders. Just open EDITABLE FILES folder here.
4. Inside this folder you will get 7 folders for all sizes. We are choosing 300×250 folder in this example.
5. Each size folder contains an HTML file having name as the banner size. Like here it will be – 300×250.html
6. Now you can open this file.