Changing Banner Link in Google Web Designer

[vc_video title=”” link=””] Each Adanimate banner has a link over banner which lets the user open the web page or any other link related to your business or product. We can easily edit this in Google web desiger. Open editable file in GWD. You can hide/unhide component layer given at the top of layer stack. […]

Stylizing Text in Google Web Designer

[vc_video title=”” link=””] Sometimes you may feel changing some styling parameters for your text in google web designer. For this there are some specific options. We are using and showing some of quick formatting and styling options for the text. Open editable GWD file. Select Heading text and make sure the text layer is also […]

Updating Text in Google Web Designer

[vc_video title=”” link=””] Changing text in Google Web Designer is quite simple and hassle free. You need to select the specific text layer and by choosing text tool you can change or update any text there. In our example we are changing Heading, Punchline, Sub text and link text in banner. Here are steps to […]